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Jeannie Hagy

Although I am not the teacher who wrote to you originally, I am also a fourth grade teacher from Oklahoma, and I, too, could have written that email. My first year of teaching was 1969, and this will be my last year of teaching. Much has changed during my career. Teaching, while always a challenging profession, has become increasingly difficult throughout the years. I ache for the children I teach, and I wish people understood just how hard our teachers must work. I just wanted to say thank you for understanding and getting on your soap box.

I love your books. I'm also a children's writer and I appreciate your comments about writing for children.

Again, thank you.

Ms. Simbe

thank you, Lois, for your kind words of support and for your wonderful books. there are some parts of the work of teaching that i find impossible to explain, yet you already understand.

Jennifer Elliott

I also wanted to thank you for getting on your soapbox. It is a difficult profession at times, because it so often feels like we are raising the kids rather than just teaching them. 150 kids (eighth graders for me) per year equals a lot of work. However, it's worth it when you see the appreciation in their eyes or a kind word from them in a Christmas card... or even just a smile on the face of a student who has a rough life. Thank you for giving us the tools to help us-- your books! Books, perhaps more than anything else, help us connect with our students. We can talk about life, life's struggles, and life's triumphs in the face of difficulty. We can remind them that they are more than just a test score. Thank you for that.


Is teaching tough? Absolutely. Is it getting tougher. Undoubtedly. Is it worth the toil and the struggle? Immeasurably.

Sarah :)

Hi :)

I just want to say thank you to all the teachers that read this blog. I'm still in school (grade ten.) Thanks to the teachers who really do work so hard. You are appreciated you know. People in my class still talk about favourite elementary school teachers that have made an impact on them.

Anyway, I love your books Lois!

Sarah :)


When I was in the 6th grade, my literature teacher had me read "The Giver" and it was one of the most eye opening books that I have ever read and since then I have read it as many times as I could! Here I am 8 years later doing an Author study for my children's literature class and I came across your website! I have noticed a lot of similar themes in your books and was wondering if there was any way that I could get a little more information about your younger years in life. I would like to know if you had a good childhood etc. I understand that you are a busy person, and have a life of your own, but you have definately touched my life and as a future teacher of America I will definately incorporate your books into my curriculum. I am to read all of your books for this "thesis" and am very close to achieving my goal. I would really appreciate if you could reply back to me through email. The couple of questions that I do have is 1. When did you start writing, and what made you start? 2. What is your favorite book that you wrote? 3. Were you a troublemaker as a child. 4. What character in your books do you associate yourself with the most? I would really appreciate any answers to any one of these questions, and as I stated before, I know that you are a very busy woman, I would really like to speak with you, as I do look up to you quite a bit. Thank you for this opportunity that you have given me through your website.
Sara Heck
[email protected]
2211 Douglas St.
Sioux City IA 51104
Briar Cliff University
Junior in Elementary Education

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